Commercial Photography And Retouching.

Client Photo Retouching - Before

Client Photo Retouching - After

Stock Photo Retouching - Before

Stock Photo Retouching - After
The Goal Of Retouching Is To Always To Make Images More Interesting To Look At.
Some of the different types of retouching.
Photo retouching consists of many types of commands that can be applied to an image to increase the quality of the photo. No matter how professional or experienced a photographer may be, an art director with a trained eye can always point out areas of any given photo that require some sort of retouching.
Correcting flesh tones, eliminating backgrounds, airbrushing shadows and adding contrast and color are some of the most common forms of retouching. Being that all images on the internet are ony 72 pixels per inch (low resolution), contrast is always added to make it sharper.
Before and after: Change color of hard hat, curve logo around hard hat, place woman in store setting.

Choosing the correct photography content to accompany the text. researches and creates the correct imagery to accompany the copywriting in any given media. Digital Photography of your products or store front, or any other images that need to be created will be photographed in high resolution. Whether these images are to be utilized as a main visual in a full page ad, on a website, or for vehicle graphics, digital photos of your material will be shot from many angles so that a selection of creative images will be available for choosing.
Stock photos are used frequently in conjunction with original photography when a particular shot cannot be obtained. Stock photo houses offer a wide variety of professional photography that need little or no retouching. Most photo researching, choosing and purchasing costs are included on all estimates.